[Story] Your future boss interviews you bottomless

Asian woman wearing business jacket sits at desk bottomless with no pants on

As you sit nervously getting interviewed by your future boss, you couldn’t help but notice she’s sitting in her chair bottomless, wearing nothing below her waist. It’s going to be a very interesting place to work.

“Femdom Boss” by Chrissy Wild, more Chrissy Wild at Apple Books

Femdom Boss

Female bosses can be incredibly cruel, especially to their male employees. My boss, or I should say, former boss, is the origin of all my misery. I say former boss because she is now my mistress who completely and totally dominates me. I still can’t believe how it happened, so I’m hoping that writing this journal can help me figure it all out. Mistress lets me out of my cage once a week for an hour so I hope I can explain it all.

It started five years ago when the government rolled out the new laws that basically allowed all females to do whatever they wanted to males. Perhaps the worst part of it all was that we weren’t immediately stripped naked, whipped, and rounded up and sent to reeducation camps (though they do have those now), but rather we all went about our lives and employment as if nothing happened. The problem was that we all had to learn the new rules the hard way. I would have been so much better off if they did round us up like that.

My boss Laura was 18 and was seven years younger than me. She only got promoted over me because the company needed to promote younger females and more of them, and leave twenty something white males like myself in the dust. I was clearly more qualified and the better employee, but I had a penis and so I didn’t matter. That’s life in the 21st century, I guess. I never had a chance.

So when the two of us went for the same position, I knew I wasn’t going to get it. But ever since all males had their pays reduced by half and the money turned over to help pay females for centuries of “back taxes” for unequal pay, I needed the money badly. I had to try. This was before the new harsh laws, but still females were known to be inherently superior anyway. But in reality I was so much better for the job, so I thought it would even out. Man, was I wrong.

We went for the first interview of three. As I waited out front of the human resources manager’s office I could hear Laura laughing and having a casual conversation with the manager. I could hear that the manager was a woman. They weren’t talking about the job, the position, or anything that mattered other than things like where does Laura get her nails done, and where did the HR manager get her pretty blouses, etc etc. When Laura finally emerged she walked past me with a smug, superior smile. She obviously got the job before I was even interviewed.

I was called into the HR office and given a lecture about how I never should have even tried to get the position knowing that a female was going for it. In this day and age, males are considered inferior in every way and need to show it. If a man is in line for something, for instance, and a woman shows up, he must automatically give his place in line for the woman; the female members of a household all eat their meals, and the men all eat their leftovers; if a female is at a store or restaurant or something, then the closest male must pay for her, and so on.

I was given an official reprimand and my pay was docked for two months to be direct deposited into Laura’s bank account. I was really stupid for not realizing this was going to happen, and should have known better. Females always get the upper hand. But damn, I was going to fall on hard times.

To my horror, I learned that my boss, a man, was being demoted and replaced by a new boss: Laura! Not only did she take the job I wanted, and was going to take all of my money (which I still needed to pay taxes on, by the way), but she was going to be my direct superior. Superior was saying it lightly, actually. Even though I was not getting paid a cent for toiling there, and toiling under Laura, I needed to stay so I could eventually get paid and make some money, as little as it will be. So I decided to take Laura’s abuse and try to work hard for her and please her so she doesn’t get me fired or thrown in jail for disrespecting a female, or anything like that.

Then the new laws took effect. The day the news broke I remember walking by the female break room (males didn’t get breaks), and seeing all the women laughing and looking so happy. They saw me walking by and some giggled at me. I heard the news from my fellow male employees that things would be quite different around there, and everywhere, from then on.

There were a number of new labor laws that were signed into law by the Female President and the Female Congress meant to turn the tables on the male sex in the workforce.

Firstly, no male could leave a position at a job without the permission of a female boss. That means that even if he wanted to quit, if she enjoyed his presence then he would have no choice but to stay.

Second, all males would now have 2/3 of their pay docked and put into the accounts of the various female coworkers and bosses.

Third, males would now work 16 hour days so females could have more free time. If a female decides not to come into work, then a male must take her place, even if it means that male would work for 16, 24, or even 32 hours straight. If a male refuses or collapses from exhaustion, he would be sent to prison or a male correctional facility for life.

Fourth, all females at a company could instruct any male at the company what to do. Sure, there would still be male CEOs and managers and anything else, but this new law basically undermined their power completely. Even an 18 year old woman the first day on the job could tell a male CEO what to do. They were doing this anyway unofficially, but now it was perfectly legal. That’s just life as a male.

Fifth, and probably the worst part of the new laws, all female bosses could now completely control any of her employees outside of work. Whatever she wanted done, work related or not, would be done by any male of her choosing. Right away the females started picking certain males they wanted to control. It wasn’t long before the females realized that since they could make a male do anything, she could have all his assets and property placed in her possession, and force him to live with her and pleasure her. This started happening more and more the first few months.

Working for Laura was hard. She was a beautiful woman of only 19, with blonde hair and a perfect petite body, which she always showed off with tight black spandex pants and a cute little blouse showing off her medium sized breasts. She wore her hair in a ponytail and wore lots of jewelry. The problem was that she was stupid. She was very ditsy and always making harmful decisions that always got blamed on me. Whenever I did something really good, she got the credit, and whenever she did something really bad, I got the blame. It was very frustrating. Despite my better judgment, I was getting more and more vocal about her horrible decisions, and she was getting more and more angry at me. I even muttered under my breath one day that I would take her to human resources.

Then it happened. One day, when I noticed the crew was doing something obviously the wrong way, I confronted Laura about it and SLAP! She slapped me across the face, hard, in front of everybody. I stood there helpless and speechless while all the males looked in horror, and all the females watched with devious smiles on their faces. I was completely humiliated. How could I let this woman, half my size and many years younger than me, slap me across the face? And for no reason! All I did was politely point out that the way the crew was operating was dangerous and could result in someone getting killed. And she slapped me for it.

I realize now that I deserved it, of course. How could I ever question a female’s judgment? And in this day and age, the sexes are unequal. But back then I got all flustered and embarrassed, humiliated out of my wits, that I did something rash.

I want to see HR!” I told her, voice trembling.

Go ahead,” Laura said, with her hands on her hips.

I didn’t know what to do. I think I was bluffing, it’s hard for me to remember. But I said it, and I had to go through with it. I couldn’t believe I was storming off in the direction of HR. I didn’t know what I wanted to accomplish. Females could slap males legally, that was an old law, I knew that. But a boss should not hit an employee in front of everyone. That I truly believed.

When I knocked on the door of the HR manager’s office, I was horrified to hear the voice that was telling me to come in was the same HR manager that tongue-lashed me for having the impropriety of trying to take a promotion away from a female. I went in and I froze, speechless, and terrified.

Can I help you?” the manager asked, politely.

Uh… Never mind,” I said as I turned to leave.

Now, I know you didn’t just waste the human resources manger’s time by coming in here and forgetting what to say.”

She was an attractive black woman, with a dominant attitude. As a male, I was putty in a dominant woman’s hands. I couldn’t even lie. I told her the truth.

My manager slapped me in the face for no reason in front of everybody,” I said with my eyes to the floor.

Okay, let’s see,” the manger said as she went to her computer to look up the infraction. I actually got a little exited knowing that what Laura did was still considered bad behavior that should be punished. I imagined that something like abusing and humiliating one’s employees should be considered a serious offense, and maybe Laura would get reprimanded or something.

She read from a list on her computer screen, which I could not see. She had gum twirling in her fingers as she casually researched the offense.

Okay,” she said, “sorry about that, the new laws have, like, a million new things I need to look up every time there’s a problem.”

It’s no problem,” I said, with hope that my problem could be resolved.

It says here you have two choices. The choice is yours, and you must consent to either one, but you must pick one.”

Okay,” I said, intrigued.

You can choose to wear a permanent and un-removable chastity device for punishment, or you can be Laura’s face-seat for six months. The choice is yours.”

My heart sank. I couldn’t believe what I heard, and thought that there must be some mistake. I had to chose one of those horrible things. And for what? Getting my face slapped and getting humiliated for no reason at all other than the pleasure of a ditsy female boss?

Are you serious?” I asked.

The laws are very clear, you can read them yourself. It says that if a female boss slaps a male employee, then that employee must have done something so horrible that he should be severely punished. You should count yourself lucky. This is one of the few laws that actually give the perpetrator a choice in the sentencing.”

I tried to let it all sink in. How could I make that choice? And I still didn’t know why I was being punished, and so severely. I just couldn’t believe it. The first choice was that I could keep my dignity, but lose my manhood. And worse, I would still get horny but have no way of getting release, forever.

The second option was extremely humiliating. I had seen the contractors putting in a new kind of seat at the head of our table in the office where Laura sat, that almost looked like a cushioned toilet seat, where someone’s head could be positioned to look up and be sat on, while their body would hang from wires that were attached to the under part of the table. Now I know why they were building that.

Then it hit me. I also remembered that Laura caught me checking out the new seat. She had such an evil grin on her face, I didn’t know what it meant until just then in the HR office. Laura slapped me on purpose. She knew I’d go to HR, and she knew the consequences. She must have looked it up that if a female manager slaps an employee and he complains about, the resolution was either getting my penis removed or becoming her seat and toilet. What a bitch! I just couldn’t believe that cunt would do this to me. And she would get it away with it, it was the law.

You need to tell me what you gonna do,” the manager said, getting impatient. “I have lunch in a bit and I don’t have time to deal with some male nonsense.”

Well,” I said. “I have friends whose girlfriends had them put in permanent chastity and they’re miserable. They said it was pure agony to be so horny all the time and there was no way they would ever have sex or masturbate again, ever. So… I choose Laura’s seat for six months.”

Done,” she said as she clicked on an option on the site. “Now I need to go to lunch, and you need to be fitted for Laura’s seat.” She got up and walked up to me. She smiled and caressed my cheek with her long fake fingernails. “Who knows, I might come by and sit on you myself.”

As she left, I watched her beautiful ass and actually got hard anticipating it smothering me. I hated this bitch, but it was exciting to have to go through all this. I also thought about Laura. I should have quit a while ago when I had the chance. Now, even though I can’t stand Laura’s guts, I’d literally be up her butt. My nose might even penetrate through her anus a bit while she sits, superiorly, above me, her female body weight pressing into my face.

One of the new Female Security showed up. She was a hot little Hispanic woman wearing a tight security guard outfit, with her black hair up under her guard hat.

Come with me,” she said. “The easy way or the hard way. The easy way is I attached this leash to your penis and walk you to Laura’s office. You don’t want to know what the hard way is.”

Do I have to take my penis out?” I asked, embarrassed.

Take it out? Take it off! As in your clothes. You ain’t gonna need clothes for months.”

I was so embarrassed and excited at the same time, my heart was beating rapidly. I took off my shirt and gave it to her. Then I took my shoes off and handed those to her, which she then handed off to another guard that arrived. I unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants. The guard looked at my crotch and pointed at it. I slowly pulled my underwear off and stood there naked, at work, in front of two women I didn’t even know. It was so humiliating standing there. I had gone in to make a complaint about my boss and here I was standing naked in front of these clothed women, who were about to tie a tight leash on my penis, which, by now, was completely erect.

The guard tied a leash to my erect cock tightly and put the leash over her shoulder and started walking. I was so shocked and reluctant to follow that I stayed there until my dick yanked, painfully, in the direction the guard was walking. She led me like a dog down hallways and past offices, where everyone looked at me. I was the first male to be treated like this in history, probably. I was being led by the penis by a much younger female, who was obviously in charge, and walked naked and shamefully toward my destiny: to be used as a human seat for a horrible boss who I hated. It was better than the alternative, anyway. At least I thought so at the time.

We finally got to Laura’s office, which was empty because the team was out on the floor working.

I’m supposed to use you so you know what to do when your mistress uses you,” the guard said. My mistress? I suppose she was talking about Laura. “Lay down there and put your head in the seat.”

I obeyed and laid down with my head facing up in the seat that would be my home for the next six months. The guard pushed a button, which pulled up the wires that I laid on and lifted my body up and suspended me from the table. The seat had a swivel back so Laura, or whoever, could turn the chair’s back to the side and step forward over the seat, which was like a stool with my face in it, and sit down. Then she could swivel the back, which had armrests, around to lean back on. It was the perfect apparatus for a productive office: Laura could punish and humiliate me, a troublesome employee, by sitting on my face, which would fit comfortably in her ass.

One of the guards ducked under the table to get something. She grabbed my penis and inserted it forcefully into this device, which turned out to be a hose that constantly had suction, to remove liquid waste. Then she inserted a somewhat lubed-up hose into my rectum, which also had a suction, also. With the basic nutrition fed to me regularly and my own waste taken care of, I was set. I really didn’t need to ever get up from there.

With me firmly in the seat, the guard pulled her pants down to reveal a perfectly tan, perfectly shaped ass. Without saying a word she turned the chair-back and stepped in. I watched as her petite body lowered down on my face. It was like slow motion now that I remember it. Her perfect ass sat on my face and smothered me. She could have smothered me to death and there was nothing I could do about it because my arms and legs were bound under the table. She re-positioned herself so that my nose was in her ass crack and I could breathe with my nose. She sat and almost smothered me, crushing my nose and lips under her naked ass. Then she got up and looked like she expected me to say something.

I had no idea what to say. In fact, I assumed that I couldn’t speak anymore, being that chairs don’t talk. The guard pulled out a short but stiff leather whip and whipped my face hard. The pain was almost unbearable, it stung horribly.

When a woman gets up after sitting on you, you should thank her, because you’re lucky she chose to use you instead of a seat.”

Thank you,” I said, still stinging with pain. She whipped my face again.

Thank you, what?” she said.

Thank you, mistress,” I said, correcting myself. I knew I was going to have to get used to a lot of things.

The two guards left me in that position and walked out of the room, turning the lights off as they left. I sat there in darkness for probably an hour or two. That left me with plenty of time to consider my situation. Never again was I going to do something to get slapped by a female. I learned my lesson and was truly sorry.

Finally, I heard footsteps approaching. The door opened and all the females in the crew started laughing and making fun of me. I was completely naked and made into a human seat. It was unbelievable. I don’t know who I was more embarrassed to see come up and sit at the table: the devious women, or the two other men my age who worked in that office. I could tell that they were embarrassed for me, probably because they knew this could happen to them, too.

Then Laura entered. She walked up to the seat while talking to another employee, and nonchalantly removed her tight pants to expose her perfect pussy and ass. My mouth watered just looking at her. I knew I was always a dick to her, but that was probably because I secretly lusted after her. She was probably a lesbian, which made her man-hating even worse. While still talking, she sat her naked ass on my face. She sat down as she would any chair, with a complete and total disregard for the poor, living, breathing male she was sitting on and totally dominating. It was humiliating.

In a way, I was lucky. Here I was with my nose in a hot woman’s anus, smelling her and feeling her superior weight on my face. In any other circumstance it would be bliss. Just earlier that day, I had tried to get this woman in trouble, and now I was her seat. I grew to adore that woman’s ass and her whole body. She liked to whip my face a lot. But I expected that, after all I put her through. I deserved the punishment but I still feel like I don’t deserve her. I love her with every ounce of my being and I worship her.

Over the next few months I had a hard time, literally. That perfect female ass smothering me, and my mistress being completely disinterested in me, made me hard constantly. I wasn’t used to never being able to ejaculate, so I was always intensely aroused. Seeing those two white cheeks over my face, as my mistress sat with her back bent, and her ass sticking out made me unbelievably horny.

I think every female in the whole building used me those first few months, including the HR manager who loved to sit on me after her lunch. I always thanked them for the privilege, but that was all I ever said. Once a week the guards would let me out of the wire cage to walk around for an hour. I could even write and draw. This was my time to shower, too. It felt good having those tubes removed, but I have to admit, I loved feeling the freedom of having nothing to do but sit and be useful for a female, never even having to use the bathroom for myself anymore, never worrying about anything or thinking too hard.

For six months I fulfilled my duty and served my “punishment.” I don’t know what it was about that total domination, but I grew to love every second I spent being Laura’s seat. Just before the time for my release came, the government came out with new laws. The laws were meant to keep males from advancing in the workforce. The laws decreed that all males must remain in their current position forever, at the pleasure of the female bosses.

Months rolled by and I was sure that my release date had passed, but still I remained constantly under a female ass. I had no way of asking what was happening or when I was being released, because I was forbidden to speak. I figured that the law must have applied to my position, as well as every other position in the company. And since I was controlled by Laura and had to do everything she wanted, Laura would likely take me with her if she ever decided to leave this job. It looked like I was stuck with, or stuck to, Laura forever.

Long before my initial six months were up, all of my money and my house were already given to Laura. I had no income at all because 1/3 of my old pay, a pension if you will, was deposited directly into Laura’s bank account. I was basically hers already, so keeping me locked in my cage and serving my purpose was the natural thing for her to do, and of course I could never question it.

It dawned on me that the laws didn’t apply to my punishment situation. I’ll never know. Questioning my Goddess was what got me into this position in the first place. And though I’ve learned to love and worship Laura all these years later, I don’t want to think of what would happen if I question her again. So it looks like I belong to Laura for the rest of time.

Why would I want to ruin the loving, intimate relationship I had with my boss and mistress, anyway? No male could ever possibly get closer to the woman he adores and worships than having his face permanently in her ass. I wouldn’t risk this by daring to ever speak up.

Besides, I have the best job in the world.

More femdom relationship erotica stories by Chrissy Wild

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